اسباب بازی کودک وی تک مدل Vtech – Tommy the Turtle Storytelling Soother

اسباب بازی کودک وی تک مدل Vtech – Tommy the Turtle Storytelling Soother

19,460,000 تومان

Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 11.4 x 12.7 cm
Package Dimensions: 22.0 x 30.0 x 13.0 cm
Weight: 0.09KG
Shipping Weight: 0.30KG
Recommended Age: Suitable for 10 months-2 years

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

ارسال رایگان سفارشات بالای 6 میلیون تومان

  • خرید از فروشگاه اصلی در دبی
  • ارسال سفارشات 2 هفته تا یک ماه
تضمین مراحل  امن سفارش گذازی



— Choose from 10 stories and help baby drift off to dreamland. A gentle voice reads new and classic tales for up to 40 minutes of story time.
— The Tommy the Turtle Storytelling Soother app lets you swap out stories with just a few taps to keep baby entertained night after night.
— Help baby feel close to you even when you can’t be there by recording your own voice for them to doze off to. Find a script in the free app, or calm your little one by making up a story of your own.
— Tommy comes ready with 10 calming lullabies and 10 soft ambient sounds, like a trickling stream and white noise, to help baby relax.
— The turtle’s belly lights up, casting a gentle glow in the nursery. By dimming or brightening with the switch on his shell, you can create just the right atmosphere for your baby.


Tommy is a storytelling soother that has a variety of songs, stories, and soothing sounds to help your baby sleep peacefully.


Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 11.4 x 12.7 cm
Package Dimensions: 22.0 x 30.0 x 13.0 cm
Weight: 0.09KG
Shipping Weight: 0.30KG
Recommended Age: Suitable for 10 months-2 years

اطلاعات بیشتر


وی تک – vtech

1 دیدگاه برای اسباب بازی کودک وی تک مدل Vtech – Tommy the Turtle Storytelling Soother

  1. sophia


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