پروتئین عضله ساز اسپرتر مدل Inner Armour | Anabolic Peak

پروتئین عضله ساز اسپرتر مدل Inner Armour | Anabolic Peak

10,560,000 تومان

Inner Armour

Flavor: Milk Chocolate

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

ارسال رایگان سفارشات بالای 6 میلیون تومان

  • خرید از فروشگاه اصلی در دبی
  • ارسال سفارشات 2 هفته تا یک ماه
تضمین مراحل  امن سفارش گذازی



Inner Armour Black Anabolic Peak Mass Gainer Chocolate contains rapid releasing whey hydrolysates, isolates & sustained release casein. Studies suggest that the ingestion of a fast-acting protein/amino acid supplement increases amino acid levels in systemic circulation where they are available for muscle protein anabolism (growth). The faster these amino acids rise in the blood, the greater the muscle building reaction.

— 50g Protein
— 1340 Calories
— Glutamine, BCAAs (high leucine), creatine & waxy maize
Anabolic Peak contains Wayspike, an instant acting anabolic glucose spiking and enhanced nutrient uptake system. Complex yet very fast absorbing, they absorb up to 3 times greater and at the same speed of simple sugars. Studies suggest that the faster and greater that this release occurs, the faster it will help support healthy cortisol levels, restore glycogen and amino acids from protein back to muscles. This promotes muscle recovery and peak power output for your next workout.


As a dietary supplement, mix 4 scoops of Anabolic-Peak with 27 oz (800 mL) of water or milk depending on your desired consistency. This formula is highly concentrated, and due to its potency, you may want to consider using 1/2 a serving 2 or 3 times a day. Additional servings may be used to meet your daily calorie requirements.

اطلاعات بیشتر


اسپرتر – Sporter

1 دیدگاه برای پروتئین عضله ساز اسپرتر مدل Inner Armour | Anabolic Peak

  1. sophia


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