مکمل پروتئین اسپرتر مدل LEVRO LEGENDARY MASS 3KG

مکمل پروتئین اسپرتر مدل LEVRO LEGENDARY MASS 3KG

7,580,000 تومان

— Gain Weight Fast
— 80g Protein
— 22g EA
— 19b BCAA
— Delicious taste, easy to drink

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

ارسال رایگان سفارشات بالای 6 میلیون تومان

  • خرید از فروشگاه اصلی در دبی
  • ارسال سفارشات 2 هفته تا یک ماه
تضمین مراحل  امن سفارش گذازی



Uses of Levro Legendary Mass

– Complex Blend of Proteins – Innovative combination of Complete Proteins with different substances provides fast absorption and release of amino acids: WPC, WPI, WPH, Mass are hydrolyzed and provide different forms The protein

– Growth and maintenance of muscle mass, Protein helps maintain healthy bones

– The combination of Short and Medium Chain Carbohydrates is a blend of Maltodextrin and Glucose allowing to increase the rate of energy release, controlling blood glucose levels.

Post-workout carbohydrate supplementation is beneficial for restoring proper muscle function, regenerating energy after it has been depleted, and producing Glycogen after it has been used up.

👉 80G protein

👉 4 High quality protein sources

👉 22g EAA

👉 19g Bcaa


– Use 4 – 8 scoops (200g – 400g), can be divided into breakfast – lunch – dinner or 2 main times: morning right after waking up and after exercising for about 30 minutes. Can be mixed with 300 – 400ml of water depending on each person’s taste.

– To increase the deliciousness of the product, it can be mixed with unsweetened fresh milk and fruits.


 – Do not mix with hot water. Can be used with cold water, unsweetened fresh milk or fruit juice.

 —  Levro Legendary Mass is only a dietary supplement and cannot completely replace main meals. Therefore, to gain weight effectively, you must not skip meals but still need to maintain the same diet as before or eat more, the better.

اطلاعات بیشتر


اسپرتر – Sporter

1 دیدگاه برای مکمل پروتئین اسپرتر مدل LEVRO LEGENDARY MASS 3KG

  1. sophia


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