مکمل تغذیه ورزشکاران اسپرتر مدل Applied Nutrition Beta Alanine, 1500mg – 120 Caps

مکمل تغذیه ورزشکاران اسپرتر مدل Applied Nutrition Beta Alanine, 1500mg – 120 Caps

2,050,000 تومان

— Increased intracellular carnosine
— Increasing body muscle strength
— Reduce fatigue
— The right amino acid for your muscles
— Helping muscles recover after training
— Help reduce muscle acidificatio

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

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تضمین مراحل  امن سفارش گذازی


Beta alanine 1500 applied nutrition for athletes

Applied Nutrition’s Beta Alanine 1500 is a popular supplement among athletes, and for good reason. Research has shown that this amino acid may benefit performance and support overall health. In addition, many fitness enthusiasts report that they are able to do more sets or perform endurance exercises for longer when taking beta-alanine supplements.

Beta-alanine (3-amino propionic acid) is a non-essential amino acid produced naturally by the body and is a component of carnosine, anserine and vitamin B5. This substance participates in many metabolic processes, the most important of which for athletes is the reduction of lactic acid accumulation in muscles.

During intense exercise, lactic acid is produced and broken down by your skeletal muscles. And—as you’ve probably experienced during your workouts—the more you exercise, the harder it is for your body to break it down in time. Lactic acid is largely responsible for the pain you feel when you run, lift weights, or participate in other endurance sports.

Beta-alanine combines with histamine and turns into a dipeptide molecule called carnosine. This molecule is mainly stored in your muscles and brain tissue and is used to prevent the accumulation of lactic acid, which reduces discomfort and fatigue and improves sports performance. While the body has natural stores of carnosine, high-intensity athletes (who use much higher levels of the amino acid than the average person) may get a good boost by eating foods or supplements containing extra beta-alanine.

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اسپرتر – Sporter

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