سر شیشه کودک اونت مدل Philips Avent Silicone Teats Variable 3m+ (2pcs)

سر شیشه کودک اونت مدل Philips Avent Silicone Teats Variable 3m+ (2pcs)

1,860,000 تومان

Product Dimensions: 5.08 x 5.08 x 5.58 cm
Weight: 0.045KG
Shipping Weight: 0.045KG
Recommended Age: 3+ months

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

ارسال رایگان سفارشات بالای 6 میلیون تومان

  • خرید از فروشگاه اصلی در دبی
  • ارسال سفارشات 2 هفته تا یک ماه
تضمین مراحل  امن سفارش گذازی



— Adjust the flow rate for baby’s convenience
— More comfortable feed at baby’s chosen pace
— Easy latch on due to the unique valve on the teat
— Clinically proven to significantly reduce fussing
— Air goes into the bottle, not baby’s tummy
— Unique anti-colic system
— BPA Free (0% Bisphenol A)
— Different flow rate teats available
— Compatible with Classic feeding bottle
— Code: SCF635/27


It’s good to have a supply of feeding bottle teats on hand, make it the Philips Avent Silicone Teats Variable to ensure baby doesn’t get the colic blues.Its unique Anti-Colic Valve allows air into the bottle instead of your baby’s tummy! The best feature is its ability to adjust to the amount of flow via the variable teat feature. Your baby is able to control the milk flow, just like in natural breast feeding!


Product Dimensions: 5.08 x 5.08 x 5.58 cm
Weight: 0.045KG
Shipping Weight: 0.045KG
Recommended Age: 3+ months

اطلاعات بیشتر



1 دیدگاه برای سر شیشه کودک اونت مدل Philips Avent Silicone Teats Variable 3m+ (2pcs)

  1. sophia


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